Regional Meeting on "Strengthening Cooperation for Effective National Anti-Corruption Strategies" in Baghdad

High Level Regional Meeting "Strengthening Cooperation for Effective National Anti-Corruption Strategies" in Baghdad

Baghdad, Republic of Iraq, 6/3/2024 - 6/5/2024

Organized by: ACINET in collaboration with the Federal Commission of Integrity in Iraq and with the support of UNDP

Under the patronage of His Excellency, Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq, Engineer Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani, The Arab Anti-Corruption and Integrity Network concluded its high-level regional conference held in Baghdad between 3-5 June 2024 "Strengthening Cooperation for Effective National Anti-Corruption Strategies." It was attended by over 150 participants from 12 Arab countries, including heads and representatives of integrity and anti-corruption commissions, oversight bodies, officials from ministries of health, education, and public transport, as well as several parliament members, experts, and representatives from specialized regional and international organizations.

Agenda [English][Arabic]
List of Participants [English][Arabic]
First Plenary Session: Comparative Overview of National Anti-Corruption and Integrity Strategies in the Arab Region [Arabic]
First Plenary Session: National Anti-Corruption Strategy in Kuwait [Arabic]
First Plenary Session: National Anti-Corruption Strategy in Algeria [Arabic]
Second Plenary Session: Towards Forming Regional Expert Groups in the Framework of the Arab Anti-Corruption and Integrity Network [English]
Working Session on Safeguarding the Development of Legal Texts against Corruption Risks: Presentation on Corruption Proofing [English]
Working Session on Health Sector Integrity: Presentation on Sectoral Corruption Risk Management in Health Sector in Tunisia [Arabic]
Working Session on Education Sector Integrity: Presentation on Sectoral Corruption Risk Management in the Lebanese University [Arabic]
Working Session on Transport Sector Integrity: Presentation [English]
Summary of the Working Session on Safeguarding the Development of Legal Texts against Corruption Risks [Arabic]
Summary of the Working Session on Cross-boarded Cooperation on Corruption Investigations [Arabic]
Summary of the Working Session on Integrity in the Education Sector [Arabic]
Summary of the Working Session on Integrity in the Public Transport Sector [Arabic]
Recommendations Under Review [Arabic]

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