National Roundtable on the Promotion of Integrity and the Prevention of Corruption in Public Service Delivery in Djibouti

Djibouti, 12/10/2012 - 12/10/2012

Organized by: Djibouti State General Inspectorate with the support of UNDP-ACIAC

The promotion of integrity and the prevention of corruption in public service delivery was discussed on 10 December 2012 under the auspices of the Prime Minister during a roundtable organized by the State General Inspectorate of Djibouti with the support of UNDP-ACIAC in Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti). This event provided an opportunity to exchange on the means to reinforce integrity and prevent corruption namely in the water, education and health sectors in view of ensuring better rights to users of public services. Representatives of the government, public institutions and entities providing public services as well as representatives of the private sector and civil society participated in this activity which is organized in the framework of a series of roundtables held in the region on the topic.

Programme [French]
Anti-corruption in the water sector [English]
Corruption in health care: challenges and identifying potential solutions [English]
Corruption in public services: what sectoral approach to strengthen the fight against corruption? [English]

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