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Extension of Anti-Corruption Cooperation Between Yemen and UNDP

Yemen - Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption (SNACC) in Yemen announced, on 24 February 2010, the extension of its cooperation with UNDP’s Country Office in Yemen in the framework of a project launched in 2007 to support media and civil society organizations in advocating transparency. SNACC’s President, Mr. Ahmed AL-ANSI, stressed the importance of the ongoing partnership with UNDP noting its role in strengthening the role of civil society and media in the field of anti-corruption. Over the past two years, the project enabled Yemeni civil society organizations to implement various activities on transparency and integrity. It also contributed to enhancing the role of journalists in the fight against corruption; and provided six local radio stations with modern digital systems to enhance their coverage capacity. The project led to increasing the knowledge of SNACC and CSO practitioners on budget monitoring, control of public resources and access to information. Moreover, it increased knowledge on national and international anti-corruption legal instruments. The project will work during the first half of 2010 to expand the training of civil society organizations and local councils to include nine Yemeni provinces, in respect of the principle of decentralization and balanced development. The training will address several issues including methodologies for measuring corruption and inclusive self-assessment processes, benefiting from international experience that will be provided by UNDP. The project will also strengthen cooperation between SNACC and the media; provide local radio stations with a studio that would help enhance their work; and develop an anti-corruption media campaign. Small grants will be allocated to civil society organizations to help them undertake activities to promote and advocate transparency.


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