42% of Yemeni Civil Service are Corrupt
Yemen - Sunday, February 1, 2009
A field study on the practice of Corruption in the Yemeni Civil Service was published by the official Yemeni News Agency "Saba'" on January 31, 2009. The study has shown that corruption is widespread among 42% of civil servants. The study found an inverse relationship between public office morality and administrative corruption. The least practiced moral values are justice and integrity, while the most practiced values are personal connection and affiliations. Administrative corruption was ranked as follows: personal connections (65%); status and affiliation of customers (51%); blackmailing (45%); commissions (41%); embezzlement and depleting state resources (40%); bribery (36.5%) and forgery (29%). Males were more corrupt than females on all spheres of administrative corruption.
Source: United Press, Al-Arab, Al-Hayat