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Regional Roundtable on Open Government in Amman

Jordan - Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Jordan Transparency Center collaborated with the Arab Anti-Corruption Organization, both members of ACINET’s Non-Governmental Group, to organize a regional roundtable titled “Open Government: developing the initiative and strengthening the partnership”.
The event, which took place in Amman on 19 August 2014, aimed at promoting the Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative and discussing what action plan should be developed to enhance transparency, accountability and social participation in decision-making in the Arab region. Participants included politicians and practitioners from Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia and Morocco. They called for enhancing financial transparency, promoting access to information, disclosing assets of senior and elected officials, empowering citizens, and continuing the fight against corruption.
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative was launched in 2011 during the 66th session of the UN General Assembly. It seeks to strengthen the relationship between governments and societies through the promotion of open governance.
In the Arab Region, only Jordan and Tunisia are formally members of the OGP. The latter joined in 2014 and is currently developing its first action plan, whereas the first joined in September 2011 and is currently implementing its first OGP Action Plan, while also working on the preparation of the second action plan. For more information on OGP and the status of Arab countries therein, please visit

Source: the Arab Anti-Corruption and Integrity Network (ACINET)


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