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Gender and Corruption in Latin America

Regional Non Arab - Tuesday, July 29, 2014

UNDP published a Working Paper entitled “Gender and Corruption in Latin America: Is There a Link?” aimed at contributing to setting the basis for a policy dialogue and analysis on gender and corruption in Latin America. The paper proposes to analyze corruption from a gender perspective and includes an analysis of corruption as a social phenomenon and as a public problem. It defines a basic conceptual framework on corruption and gender and develops an analytical methodology based on three case studies: Chile, Colombia and El Salvador. It analyzes how some ideas have been approached in current studies and questions with new evidence some premises that have been part of collective notions. This recent publication also offers some clues that can serve as starting points to promote related theoretical research and public policies. The Paper was supported by the Global Anti-corruption Initiative (GAIN), the regional Initiative for Transparency and Accountability in Local Governments (TRAALOG) of the UNDP Latin America and Caribbean Regional Centre, the Gender Practice Area and three UNDP Country Offices in Latin America (Chile, Colombia and El Salvador). It is available in English here:

Source: The UNDP Regional Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean


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