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Fifth meeting of the Anti-Corruption Community of Practice in the Arab Region: “Programming for Social Accountability”

Arab Region - Friday, June 29, 2012

UNDP ACIAC held the Fifth meeting of the Anti-Corruption Community of Practice in the Arab States: “Programming for Social Accountability” in Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 28-29 June 2012. Over 12 UNDP country offices in the region and worldwide, in addition to UNDP regional centers as well as a selected group of national stakeholders including governmental and non-governmental experts and representatives of regional and international organizations gathered to discuss the components and practices of social accountability based on related expertise and good practices at the regional and global level. Participants discussed entry points and challenges related to programming for social accountability in the region as well as how to incorporate social accountability components in anti-corruption projects in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
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