Specialized session on "Tackling Corruption risks in the health sector in Morocco"

Specialized session "Tackling corruption risks in the health sector in Morocco"

Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco, 3/16/2022 - 3/16/2022

Organized by: UNDP-ACIAC in collaboration with the National Authority for Probity, Prevention, and the Fight against Corruption (INPPLC) in Morocco

In collaboration with the Instance Nationale de la Probité, de la Prévention et de la Lutte contre la Corruption (INPPLC) in the Kingdom of Morocco, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) organized a specialized session in Rabat on 16 March 2022, entitled "Tackling Corruption Risks in the Health Sector", as part of its regional project on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in the Arab Countries (ACIAC), implemented in partnership with the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

This session aimed at supporting the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption and accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 3 on "Good Health and Well-being" and Goal 16 on "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”. The workshop which was held for the benefit of the officials of the University Hospital Center in Tangier - Tétouan - Al Hoceima, enhanced their knowledge on the implementation of UNDP’s Corruption Risk Management Methodology (SCRM) and how to pilot it among the health institutions, drawing on the lessons learned from the previous cooperation between UNDP and the Republic of Tunisia in applying the methodology in this sector, taking into account the experiences accumulated by the Instance Nationale de la Probité, de la Prévention et de la Lutte contre la Corruption (INPPLC) in this field.

The session included a presentation of the areas of activity and management systems at the hospital center in order to determine the context and institutional environment, followed by a presentation of the executive track of the implementation of the UNDP methodology on managing corruption risks at the sectoral level in the health sector in the Republic of Tunisia and ways to benefit from it, followed by practical exercises in order to establish knowledge and skills related to the international methodology of the participants, the session concluded with a discussion session between the participants on the next steps to embody the joint cooperation project.

Agenda [English][Arabic]
List of Participants [English][Arabic]

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