Commemoration of the International Anti-corruption Day

Commemoration of the International Anti-corruption Day

Beirut - Lebanon , 12/2/2017 - 12/2/2017

Organized by: UNDP - ACIAC

In commemoration of the “International Anti-Corruption Day”, UNDP-ACIAC organized in cooperation with several university professors from different faculties in four leading universities in Lebanon: the Lebanese University, the American University of Beirut, the Antonine University and Notre Dame University a panel discussion on Saturday, December 2 at the Teatro-Verdun. The event created a space for selected students from participating universities to express their views on the problem of corruption in their country, their efforts and their role in this regard, and allowed them to engage directly with senior officials and prominent activists in this field. "Knights of Transparency" from the Jordanian Transparency Center, a group of young university students and fresh graduates’ active in the fight against corruption participated also to share their experience.
The event brought together about 100 participants, including university students and professors, as well as officials, civil society representatives, participating universities and regional and international organizations.
This activity comes within the framework of the UNDP and ACINET "Universities Against Corruption" regional initiative.

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