Training Session for the Lebanese Governmental Experts on the UNCAC Review Mechanism

Beirut, Lebanon, 11/30/2012 - 11/30/2012

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UNDP-ACIAC organized a Training Session for the Lebanese Governmental Experts on the United Nations Convention against Corruption Review Mechanism in Beirut (Republic of Lebanon) on 30 November 2012, as Lebanon will be reviewed under the UNCAC Review Mechanism in 2013-2014. The training session strengthened the ability of participants to use the UNCAC comprehensive self-assessment checklist and enhanced the benefits of self-assessment in the implementation of the UNCAC in order to support national reforms in the area of integrity and anti-corruption. Participants included the National Team in charge of preparing the UNCAC Self-Assessment Report. This team was established by the technical committee that was established in December 2012 alongside the ministerial committee established by decree of the Prime Minister which aim to activate the implementation of the Convention in Lebanon and support efforts towards developing a comprehensive strategy to combat corruption. This training session is part of a series of activities UNDP-ACIAC is organizing to enable stakeholders to participate in the Review Mechanism in an effective manner and enhance national efforts to strengthen integrity and the fight against corruption.

Programme [Arabic]

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