Public Service Delivery in Arab Countries: Corruption Risks and Possible Responses

Gamart, Tunisia, 9/29/2011 - 9/30/2011

Organized by: UNDP, ACINET, National Fact-Finding Committee on Corruption and Malversation

The conference on “Public Service Delivery in Arab Countries: Corruption Risks and Possible Responses” convened at the coastal city of Gamart in the Tunisian Republic on 29-30 September 2011, with the joint support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Arab Anti-Corruption and Integrity Network (ACINET) in cooperation with the National Fact-Finding Committee on Corruption and Malversation (CCM) in the Tunisian Republic. It was organized in the framework of the UNDP regional project on “Anti-Corruption and Integrity in the Arab Countries” (ACIAC) and in support of the implementation of the ACINET Programme of Work for 2010-2011.
The conference gained particular importance in light of ongoing regional events, which have placed anti-corruption at the heart of public demand, and highlighted the negative impact of corruption on the daily lives of people in the Arab region. In response to these emerging developments and building on past activities, the conference brought attention to the theme of corruption in public service delivery, particularly health, water, and education. It provided participants with an inclusive and interactive platform to:
(a) Explore the complex and diverse corruption risks and challenges in these sectors, which are often interconnected with gaps in developmental performance, including the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); and
(b) Formulate comprehensive approaches and specific solutions that draw on international standards and comparative experiences while taking the national and local contexts into consideration.

Report Roundtable on Corruption in Education sectors [English][Arabic]
Report Roundtable on Corruption in health sectors [English][Arabic]
Report Roundtable on Corruption in water sectors [English][Arabic]
Background Note- Corruption in Education Sectors [English][Arabic]
Background Note- Corruption in Health Sectors [English][Arabic]
Corruption in Education sectors [English][Arabic]
Corruption in health sector [English][Arabic]
Corruption in Water Sector [English][Arabic]
Background Note- Corruption in Water Sector [English][Arabic]
Flyer [English][Arabic]
Abridged Version of the Programme [English][Arabic]
List of Participants [English][Arabic]
ACINET Chair Speech [Arabic]
Understanding Misuse and Inefficiency of Public Spending in Service Delivery and Proposing Solutions [English]
Corruption Vulnerabilities in Health Systems [English]
Governance and Anticorruption: Experiences in the MENA Region [English]
Measuring Citizens’ Experiences [English]
The Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Program [English]
PETS and QSDS:Overview of these Governance Assessment Tools, their Sector, and Geographic Distribution [English]
Contribution by the Palestinian State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau [Arabic]
Selected Indicators for Education, Health and Water Services [English]
Providing Public Services in Arab Countries: Corruption Risks and Possible Responses [English]

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