“The Arab Region after 2011: Issues and Prospects for Anti-Corruption Programming”

Rabat-Morocco, 6/7/2011 - 6/8/2011

Organized by: UN Development Programme.

The objectives of this workshop are to train UNDP practitioners and national counterparts on using tools that support the UNCAC review mechanism and the de facto implementation of UNCAC provisions through inclusive UNCAC self-assessments.

Programme [English]
List of Participants [English][Arabic]
Strengthening Media and CSOs in Transparency Advocacy Project [English]
The UNCAC Review Mechanism: the Moroccan experience. [Arabic]
Anti-Corruption in Sectors and the MDGs : Moving a Step Forward [English]
Combating Corruption- the use, misunderstanding and misuse of the ACC approach [English]
The Jordanian Anti Corruption Commission [Arabic]
Citizenship and Nation Building in the Arab World: Mechanisms to promote accountability and to fight corruption? [English]
UNDP Anti-corruption initiatives in Eastern Europe [English]
UNDP activities for anti corruption in sectors [English]
Social Contract Center’s Anti-Corruption Program [English]
The United Nations Convention against Corruption – Methodology of the Review Mechanism [English]
“Good Governance in Conflict Affected Countries: Revisiting the Priorities” [English]
UNCAC self assessment checklist [Arabic]
UNCAC Self Assessments Experiences from Asia [English]
An overview on Arab countries in the UNCAC Review Mechanism [English]

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